Sunday, January 12, 2025

Discover Olympia

Visit Olympia with a Greek tour guide. Olympia is situated a half hour drive from the port of Katakolon, where many cruise ships land on the daily basis. The guided visit of Olympia would include the exploration of the archaeological site and the museum. The site of Olympia is like an archaeological park, a really green and beautiful area in which you can see the ruins of the ancient gymnasium and palaestra ,where the athletes were training and preparing for the ultimate athletic event, the workshop of Pheidias where the gold and ivory statue of Zeus was made, one of the seven wonders of the ancient world, the temple of Zeus, in honor of whom they were organizing the games, and the ancient olympic stadium.As your local tour guide in Olympia, I will help you understand the significance of this major historic site of ancient Greece and to recreate in your imagination the magic atmosphere of ancient Olympia while the games were held here. In the museum are exhibited the classical masterpieces that were found in the excavations of Olympia: the sculptures from the pediments of the temple of Zeus, the gracious Nike of Paionios, the famous Hermes of Praxitelis and many other artistic treasures.

In Olympia we will have the chance to talk about how the ancient Greeks used the opportunity of the Olympic Games in order to promote the idea of peace. We will also follow the evolution of the Olympic idea in our times by visiting the area where the Olympic Flame is lit and the Torch Relay starts nowadays.

Olympia: +30 26240 22517

Entrance Fee : Museum : 6€, reduced 3€ Olympia : 6€, reduced 3€ Museum & Olympia : 9€, reduced 5€

The opening hours are subject to change in accordance to the season. Therefore, you should communicate directly with the sites and museums or check with me during the particular days you're visiting.